Favorites of the Blue Rose

We are so excited to be sharing with everyone what we love and are excited about in the shop! Each month Daryn, Jessica, and Sandra will share our new favorites. To let you know what we are loving and what we definitely recommend.  First up! 

Daryn, the owner, designer, and creator of The Blue Rose, KY.

  • Her first favorite takes us back to the beginning of The Blue Rose with the Blue Kentucky Squared. It is one of the first shirts that was introduced and still holds special meaning for her. 
  • Second is a new sweatshirt that will be released tonight!! Explore list. The meaning behind the shirt and what the list consists of just makes her so happy. 
    • The Explore List sweatshirt will appear below when it goes live at 8pm tonight!!

  • Spread Kindness like Confetti is Daryn's third. She loves the idea behind it and the unique texture that the shirt has with its speckled appearance. 

Next up we have... 

Jessica, she runs the wholesale side of The Blue Rose and is the Accounts Manager of the Blue Rose KY, LLC

  • HATS! Jessica is loving all the new hats to the store. So much they are taking up two of her favorite spots this month!! They technically are all her favorite but for favorites sake we only listed two below! Why? They are so versatile and are perfect for running errands or working around the house! 
  • Fall is my Favorite. Jessica loves Fall and the shirt expresses it perfectly! The olive green color is also a big plus! If you were at our Fall Open house she was actually wearing this shirt!! 
    • It is another that will be releasing tonight at 8pm!! 

Finally... we have.. 

Sandra, Hi! That's me! I am the IT girl behind the website and also help out in the store. 

  • Keep life Simple is my first favorite. It's also a new release, can you tell we are excited about the new Fall line??? I love the simplicity (ha!) of the sweatshirt. Seriously! It just makes me so happy. 
  • Second.. so Daryn is AWESOME to work for.. and I am not just saying that because she's my boss. She absolutely ROCKS at encouraging and supporting others around her. So much so.. She let me have a go at designing a shirt so you KNOW I am proud and beyond excited and have to include it as a favorite! It's the Do More than just Exist t-shirt! EEK!
  • My third... Warm Caramel Vanilla wax melts. I LOVE everything caramel. 

Check out all of our favorites below! And check back next month as we will update and let you know our favorites for September!!